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Christopher Woodring, PharmD, RPh

Christopher serves as Vice President, Chief Pharmacy Officer. In this role, he is responsible for overseeing Trillium Health’s two retail pharmacies, a specialty/home delivery pharmacy, and contract pharmacy partner relationships. Christopher graduated from the Wegmans School of Pharmacy at St. John Fisher University.

Christopher joined Trillium Health in 2008, and for the past 16 years, he has been managing Trillium Health’s in-house pharmacy and overseeing the integration of pharmacy and clinical services. He is nationally recognized for his expertise with the 340B Drug Pricing Program, and he has overseen Trillium’s pharmacy securing URAC specialty and mail service pharmacy accreditation.

Christopher is a member of Ryan White Clinics for 340B Access, and he serves on the Advocacy Committee and the Payor Committee. He is also a member of the NYSDOH Drug User Health Working Group, Save New York Safety Net’s Watchdog & Policy Committee, the Monroe County Medical Society Pharmacy Workgroup, and the Rochester Pharmacy Access Coalition. In addition, he has served on the Finger Lakes Region’s Vaccination Hub, and he was a recipient of the RBJ’s Health Care Hero Award for the COVID-19 Task Force.

Christoper is a graduate of the Healthcare Business Academy Fellowship Program at NorthStar Network and the High Impact Management Program at Coleman Associates. He has been a presenter at the New York State AIDS Institute and the University of Washington’s A1 Learning Collaborative, as well as a speaker at 340B Health’s and 340B Grantees’ national conferences. Christopher serves as a mentor in Trillium Health’s mentorship program.

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